Fall 2021 Team Newsletter

August 17, 2022

On August 24th-26th, 2021 the Siftex Equipment Company team attended the International Powder & Bulk Solids Conference & Exhibition (often referred to as The Powder Show) in Rosemont, IL. This Powder Show is the #1 processing event in North America and an exciting opportunity for Siftex Equipment Company to connect with experts in the industry. The team connected with the top OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacture) and End Users. Due to COVID 19, the Siftex Equipment Company team hadn’t been to any exhibitions for fourteen months. Now they were back on the road! As we all adjust to a new normal, events like The Powder Show are finding new ways to survive and thrive.

“Although the show had half the attendees and exhibitors, it was great to see who was still attending. It felt more like we were the companies and attendees who made it through COVID 19 and who will be the leading providers to get us through and past covid. Tradeshows are a big investment for the attendees and exhibitors, and we noticed although we may have gotten 1/3 of the leads at this show compared to the previous show, the leads we did get were more impactful than in the past. We spoke with more decision-makers and were able to hold more meetings than we have been in the past”

Randy Exantus
Siftex Equipment Company’s Sales, and Information Systems Manager

Marianne Croce, Siftex Equipment Company’s Customer Service Coordinator agreed that the exhibition was smaller than previous years but noticed something different this year as well, “it felt like the people who did come to our booth were interested in our products and not just passing through“.

Exhibitions like The Powder Show offer the Siftex team the opportunity to connect with other booths and find out what problems they are facing. This gives our employees insight into how we can help and connect with these vendors in a mutually beneficial way. Jon Orr, Siftex Equipment Company’s Business Development Executive picked up on a big common factor between booths at the powder show. “I noticed that supply chain disruption plagues everyone and will probably NOT self-resolve until Q-2 2022. “Jon was not the only team member to notice a supply chain issue at The Powder Show. “I have talked to many customers with many different issues. Supply chain problems seem to be the #1 issue. With that being said, if I can recommend Siftex products in place of products that have a long lead I always do, ” said Carleen Cunningham, Siftex Equipment Company’s Customer Service/Inside Sales Manager.

After his experience at The Powder Show, Randy Exantus noted a key product that suffered due to the pandemic, “The biggest pain points have been the delay in getting products and orders in-house from their suppliers, mainly rubber and steel. We’ve seen a global shortage that has hurt all industries across the board”. Marianne Croce talked to Viacore Nutrition and noticed they are trying to get gum rubber.

Additionally, when talking to the company Bunting, Marianne noticed they needed assistance with supply chain delays like so many others. Siftex Equipment Company is looking forward to moving forward despite the damages the pandemic has caused to certain users, “This is a show that is very OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) driven. With capital investment projects dropping tremendously during covid, our OEM’s have not been a part of a lot of projects selling their machines, which gives us the ability to have new clients to sell connectors too, “ Jon Orr said. The Powder Show provided the space for Siftex Equipment Company to connect with those who could benefit from new products, streamlines the supply chain, and materials shipped efficiently. “We sell to OEM’s, Resellers, and End Users. We saw a huge drop in OEM’s sales, and we had a plan to make sure we met with all the OEM’s. We wanted to gauge the marketplace and inquire if they predict an uptick in business moving forward, ” Randy Exantus added.

Siftex Equipment Company is coming out with new products that can help resolve the issues manufacturers brought to light during this year’s exhibitions. “I am excited about BFM® fitting alternative systems, as well as Siftex ESD/IDP technologies in substrates from 0. 005 to
0. 080, ” John Orr said when asked what new Siftex products he looks forward to this year. Carleen Cunningham and Marianna Croce are excited to roll out Siftex Equipment Company’s new product XSPY, a proprietary group of polyurethane and rubber compounds used for flexible connecting sleeves, seamless rubber tubing, screen cleaning balls, film/sheet goods, conveyor belting, and more!


This year, since there was a noticeable drop in attendees due to the pandemic, the Siftex team received a unique opportunity to connect even further.


The team always looks forward to connecting with companies at exhibitions. This year, since there was a noticeable drop in attendees due to the pandemic, the Siftex team received a unique opportunity to connect even further. “I enjoyed speaking to our top-tier OEM’s (Rotex, Sweco, AZO) and the conversations went well. This year has allowed us to be able to have long conversations and build more of a discussion.

Typically, in the past, the OEM’s booths are packed with attendees walking the show asking them several questions and it’s hard to really sit down and have a detailed discussion, ” said Carleen Cunningham. Marianne Corce added, “the show having fewer attendees than it has in the past gave us more time to discuss with our decision-makers on growing the business between our two companies“. The Siftex team was able to connect with great companies such as AZO, BFM® fitting, MPE-IL, Sweco, Rotex, and many more.

We are all thrilled that The Powder Show was successful this year. At Siftex Equipment Company, we prioritize connecting with others in our field and building a strong community. As a company, we encourage our team to reflect and implement new practices learned at these exhibitions “as a company, we are known throughout the different industries. We survived the pandemic with new products to offer. The people that attended the show were people we really wanted to see and talk to, ” Carleen Cunningham commented. The Siftex team has learned that our products play a pivotal role in helping our OEM’s and End Users bulk process their products. Availability is the most important part. Made to order has hurt our industry especially during a time like covid that has made raw materials tough to bring in-house. Randy Exantus drives this point home, “Companies that are making it through covid are the ones that prep/an and forecast their future to make sure they are prepared for anything“.

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